As you gather around the Thanksgiving dinner table to express gratitude, your beloved pet likely holds a special place on your list of things to be thankful for. Thanksgiving revolves around food and cherished company, and that includes our furry companions. However, it's vital to prioritize pet safety during this holiday season.

While you may want your dog or cat to partake in the festivities, the holiday stretch can pose various risks for them.

The presence of unfamiliar guests and increased activity can trigger stress and anxiety, and several aspects, from Thanksgiving dishes to decorations, can be hazardous.

Ensuring the well-being of your pet this Thanksgiving is paramount, and we're here to guide you through being a responsible pet parent not only on turkey day but also beyond.

  1. Watch the Food: Many Thanksgiving foods are not safe for pets. Avoid giving them turkey bones, gravy, onions, garlic, chocolate, grapes, raisins, and anything sweetened with xylitol. Check out a list of foods that are harmful for your pets HERE.
  2. Secure Trash: The trash can be a treasure trove of tempting scraps. Make sure it's securely covered to prevent your pet from digging in and potentially ingesting harmful items.
  3. Decorations: Keep an eye on your pet around decorations like candles, flowers, and potpourri. Curious pets can knock them over or ingest them. These aren’t only toxin hazards but can cause intestinal obstructions!
  4. Avoid Table Scraps: Discourage guests from feeding your pet from the table. Too many rich and fatty foods can lead to upset stomachs or worse.
  5. Emergency Contact: Have the contact information for an emergency veterinarian on hand in case of any accidents or illnesses.
  6. Comfort: Remember, while including your pet in the festivities can be wonderful, it’s essential to be mindful of their comfort and safety throughout Thanksgiving celebrations. Let your pet have a “guest-free” zone where they can relax and recoup.

Now that we’ve discussed things to avoid, let’s explore one of my favorite recipes our furry companions can partake in during this holiday.

The Katz Kitchen Presents: Pumpkin Dog Treats
A recipe for a dog treat

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As Thanksgiving approaches and we prepare to give thanks for the abundance in our lives, it's essential to remember our furry companions too. They bring us endless joy, comfort, and companionship, so ensuring their safety and well-being during the festivities is important. As pet owners, let's embrace the spirit of gratitude by making thoughtful choices that prioritize their health and happiness. Whether it's setting aside special treats, creating a serene sanctuary away from the hustle, or simply showering them with extra love and attention, let's make this Thanksgiving memorable for all family members, two-legged and four. Here’s to a Thanksgiving filled with purrs, woofs, and happy wags!

I would like to take this season of Thanksgiving to say thank you, to the people I work with who want to make a difference in the lives of our clients, and I am truly grateful for the wonderful pets that our clients share with us every day.

I am thankful to be part of the Lake Pine Family.

-Dr. Katz